Our School Council is made up of a pupil from each class who are democratically elected to represent the views of all pupils and they work together to make our school an even better school. School Council members meet to discuss many different aspects of school life and have a big say in how our school is run.

What does School Council do?

Firstly, the elections for the School Council need to be held. If a child wants to be considered by their classmates for School Council, they need to share with their class all the reasons why they would make a great Councillor. The elections for School Council are a good example of democracy.

Once the elections have been held, the School Council meet to discuss their action plan for the year. They discuss what they would like to achieve across the next academic year and what fundraising opportunities they would like to be responsible for.

Who is the lead teacher for the School Council?

Mrs Calcutt leads on this aspect of school life but other teachers will help and contribute through the year. She attends all the meetings and oversees the work of the School Council. This is her first year running School Council and she is very enthusiastic and can’t wait to get started!

When do the School Council meet?

The School Council meets regularly throughout the school year to discuss and plan new events for the rest of the school.

I am not a member of the School Council. How are my views and ideas listened to?

If you have a great idea or something you want the School Council to discuss, please speak with your Class Councillor. Your Class Councillors are the link between you and the School Council.

School Council have arranged various fundraising days:

  • Children in Need
  • Christmas Jumper/Elf Day
  • Hello Yellow
  • Red Nose Day
  • Race for Life