KCC Local Offer

The local offer provides children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, along with their families, essential information regarding available support services in their region. Kent County Council (KCC) has actively engaged with children, young individuals, and their families to understand their specific support and service requirements. For comprehensive details on services and support, please explore the KCC SEND Information Hub at: https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-needs

Mainstream Core Standards
The KCC Mainstream Core Standards outline the expected provisions for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities attending mainstream schools in the local area. Any provided support or provision is tailored to meet the specific needs of the child or young person, independent of formal medical diagnoses or educational determinations.

These documents, accessible through the links below, have been collaboratively developed with input from parents, children, and young people, as well as schools, specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and representatives from health and the local authority.

Find guidance for schools, parents/carers, and professionals in the KCC Mainstream Core Standards documentation via the following links: