Here at St Laurence, we know how important transition is when starting at a new school.  We plan events in to our school calendar for both the transition between Y2-Y3 and for our Y6 to their secondary schools.

Year 2-3 Transition

We have a parents and children meeting for prospective Y3s in November each year where the Headteacher and other key staff meet families.  The Headteacher gives a short introduction to the school; routines, resources and curriculum.  Families can talk to the Families Liaison Officer and pastoral support team to find out all about the pastoral support within school.  They can chat with current Y3 teachers to find out about the learning and expectations in Y3.

Our Y6 House Captains and staff then show families around the school to see the classrooms and main areas.

Once parents have chosen St Laurence as their child’s school, a welcome letter is sent out and a transition day is planned for T6 where children come from their Infant/other schools to spend part of a day in their ‘new’ Y3 classroom with their teacher for next year. Lots of fun activities are planned and children already feel like they are getting to know their new school and teachers!

Y67 Transition

Our Y6 children have a full year of pastoral support to ease their journey to secondary school.  PSHE lessons focus on moving on, making changes and growing up.  Teachers spend time working through children’s specific worries and anxieties about Y7.  Children’s Y7 teachers/Heads of Year visit the school to meet the group and share information about their new school so they are reassured and are starting to know what to expect.

On transition day in T6 Y6s will spend the day in their new school.

For any particularly vulnerable children we provide additional support in the form of possible additional visits with a TA they know and extra small group support from our Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner in school. We liaise closely with our secondary schools to ensure our leavers have the easiest transition possible.

If you are considering St Laurence Junior Academy for your child we always welcome individual visits and tours throughout the year – contact us and we will book you in!