What RE looks like at St. Laurence
Click here to view our St. Laurence curriculum statement for RE
At St. Laurence, our aim is that every child should flourish and learn to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10). Effective R.E. enables children to live well together, educating for dignity and respect. We seek for our pupils to have curious minds that love to enquire, think and explore. Children understand that we all look at the world through a different lens that is unique to them, that everyone believes something different and that this is ok.
When children leave St. Laurence they will be able to:
- engage with religious texts and theological ideas
- show respect towards the behaviour, attitudes, actions and beliefs of believers
- ask questions which enable them to explore the nature of God within a religion
- feel safe and open to be who they are within R.E. lessons and discussions
At the end of KS2, St. Laurence children are able to discuss religious, spiritual and philosophical ideas, in a respectful manner, ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and life as an adult in our diverse and multicultural world.
We follow the Kent Agreed syllabus for R.E., focusing on Christianity for two thirds of the year, then looking at other world faiths for the remaining terms. By focusing on Big Questions, the children are encouraged to challenge their thinking. They are asked to think deeply, question, make suggestions, analyse and make links between religions and concepts.
Children will refer back to their learning questions throughout each unit of work, demonstrating a progression of responses. Their learning might be demonstrated through writing, art, poetry or drama.
In order to make effective links between learning about different faiths, we have a series of world faith days, where the whole school will focus on a particular faith or festival, sharing their knowledge and understanding. We also encourage children to share their own faith experiences, in a kind and respectful environment. Classes are encouraged to visit places of faith (church, synagogue etc.) and we welcome visitors of all faiths and none to share their experiences and views in a hospitable and friendly manner.
We work closely with the Diocese of Canterbury and the network of Church schools in and around Thanet. By sharing good practice, resources and fresh ideas, we are able to keep our Religious Education relevant and fresh, responding to our ever changing world in a sensitive and respectful way.
RE Curriculum Map
RE Documents